Saturday, August 8, 2009

What should I do to get rid of cavity in the making?

It is BETWEEN teeth and I want easy ways to prevent this from becoming a full cavity.
You have a very good dentist it sounds like. He is not in the business of making a bunch of $$$ but is looking out for your health. NO filling is as good as a natural tooth and yes, incipient decay can be reversed. Would you believe that your own little body can take care of this by itself? All you have to do is keep this area clean by brushing and simple is that? Just be sure to use a fluoride toothpaste and it wouldn't hurt to use a fluoride mouthrinse also to give you body a helping hand. Good luck!
You should go to the dentist and get it filled. I dont think there is anyway to prevent it from getting bigger after its already started.
It dont hurt to get them filled though.
Brush 2xper day, and floss. If it is already a cavity. Then you need to get it fixed. Decay only spreads and will contaminate your other teeth. Decay is a bacteria in your mouth that once it is there it is always there. If you drink soda's or juices only drink them with your meals. Water as much as possible. You can use ACT over the counter at bedtime after flossing, and brushing. Then rinse with ACT.Do not rinse with water after, just let it adhere to your teeth. Chew gum with Xylitol after meals. It is a good sugar that eats the bad bacteria that cause decay. Be careful not to chew it too much though because it can make your stomach hurt.
I'm in the same situation. I didn't even know it was there until my check up. My dentist tells me to get it filled now.My friends have told me to use Listerine and Listerine w/ Flouride, which may help.Wish me luck - it's my first cavity.
If it's not a cavity yet, just a decalcified area try using Arm and Hammer's new toothpaste that has liquid calcium in it. I can't remember the exact name, just look for the "liquid calcium" on the box. You MUST floss it in between the teeth every day for it to have the effect you want. Another option is to get a fluoride gel from your dentist and floss it in between. Cut out chewing gum and drinking cokes. The sugar and acid content in these lead to decay..
You can't, once it starts it can't be gotten rid of without a filling. Think of cavities like bugs, they just keep spreading when you feed them. The feed off sugars, natural and refined. Go to the dentist.

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