Sunday, June 28, 2009

What is a medically compromised patient??

A medically compromised patient is any person who has a medical condition that may be adversely affected by the dental procedure or that the medical condition may bring about an adverse condition of of the dental treatment. It is not only the condition itself that is considered but the medications taken by the patient. Medications can affect the ability for blood to clot for instance.Still on the subject of medications, drugs taken for medical conditions may affect drugs given for dental treatment. On the other hand drugs given for dental treatment may also affect drugs given for medical conditions.
Someone who is very ill - liver failure, kidney disease, severe heart problems, etc.
A medically compromised patient is someone with systemic health issues that effect dental treatment. For example, diabetic patients, cancer patients, HIV patients, Hep A,B,Cpatients, etc All of which have major systemic problems that actually reduce the effectiveness of their immune system to fight infection. Unhealthy patients are more succeptable to infection. Another example of how systemic illness can effect the oral cavity is a seizure patient. They may have moderate to severe hyperplastic tissues (enlarged) caused by the antiseizure meds. Hope this clears up everything.

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