Sunday, June 28, 2009

What is a mercury free dentist in the uk ?????

it is one who fills your teeth with a compound that excludes mercury. some drill out all the old mercury fillings and replace them, but this might not be a good idea as you can't help but swallow the bits then you get a whole lot of mercury at one go instead of gradually
Dr. Shipman
all dentist are mercury free now - they use modern stuff for fillings as mercury is bad for us and if you are an older age group the dentist will be replacing the old mercury fillings with the new type fillings, although i think the new stuff still has a bit of mercury in it as you cant get a filling while pregnant.
A dentist who specialises in removing amalgam fillings and doesn't use base metals in their treatments.
A dentist who does not use mercury based alloys in dental fillings/restorations. However, there is no scientific evidence to suggest that mercury-based dental alloys give toxic levels of mercury to the patient and there is much evidence to the contrary.
Amalgam (silver coloured) fillings contain mercury. White. composite fillings do not. There is no scientific, proven evidence that mercury causes health problems, but some patients have experienced a resoltion in health problems once the mercury containg fillings have been removed from the mouth. However, this could be due to psychological reasons and not due to the lack of mercury. Many dentists still use amalgam(mercury) fillings. Also, The NHS restricts dentisits from using other materials on posterior teeth. Holistic dentisits do not use merury.

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