Wednesday, August 5, 2009

What medicine used to whitening t eeth?

My tooth getting yellowish. What are the best medicine to bring back my tooth white as before my child hood.
colgate..its over the counter ;-D
Peroxide... do not do it yourself tho... Buy a kit like Crest whitestripes or see your dentist.
umm, I'm not sure exactly what you are asking...but peroxide is a major component in teeth whitening. Dilute in water (2 parts water, one part peroxide) It's made for the mouth but just make sure you don't swallow it! It is also very cheap compared to home whitening systems! But even if your teeth are tinged with yellow don't forget to keep on smiling because everyone loves a happy face :)
There are many ways of cleaning yellow teeth ranging from cheap whitener toothpastes to sessions with the dentist at about 100-150 dollars per visit.
Some teeth discolored by tetracyclin antibiotics.will not lose its mottled grey appearance so in that case, have them capped.
There are alot of whitening products out there and d many of them claim to be safe. However, even "gentle" products can wear away your enamel, which will eventually lead to problems worse than yellowing of the teeth. If you want to whiten your teeth, brush daily with toothpaste, followed by baking soda (non abrasive) and avoid food and drink that will stain your teeth. this will take longer, but will be safer in the long run.

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