Tuesday, August 4, 2009

What is it like to have your wisdom teeth taken out?

How bad does it hurt. What is the whole process like? How long till I can eat solid food? How am I gunna feel? How long till I am me again? Stuff like that. Any info would really help. Thanks!
Not too bad. Be sure to keep up with the meds they give. =) I had 4 taken out by general anesthesia. I didn't feel a thing nor remember much after. I went in and was under for 30 mins. It felt really funny to go in w/the teeth and out of there w/o any and w/o any memory of it, lol. The only real pain I felt was when I didn't take the meds before the numbing wore off. I thought, "that's it??" and spent 2 hours out and about. Bad idea. The pain hit hard after it wore off. I was crying and moaning in pain all the way until I got the prescription filled, lol. Ask your doc if it's okay to take it soon after the removal. It took about 5 days for me to move from an all soft diet to chewy foods. My soft diet was ice cream, soup, porridge, jello, and yogurt. The foods I built up to were soft tacos, noddles, pasta, and rice. I went back to my reg diet in about a week and a half. If I ate meat, I cut them up into tiny pieces and chewed slowly or w/my front teeth. Be sure to rinse gently after every meal. I used warm salt water, moved my head instead of reg rinsing then let it dribble out. No straws or smoking for 3 days per the instructions. The pain and swelling peaks at about day 3 then went down from there. For swelling, use ice for 24 hours then switch to heat after that. Elevating your head w/pillows when sleeping or lying down helps. Take it easy for a while. t took about 2 weeks for me to feel completely back to normal. The holes take at least 2 months to fully close. I still rinse after every meal. A month later and they're more than half way closed. Taking them out was the best thing that ever happened to my mouth. Before, I was in so much pain bc 2 were impacted. Not anymore. =) Good luck!
i had mine out and it was horrible.
just be sure to:
- ice it immediatley after
-don't try to eat solids soon after
Good Luck and hope it goes well
can u say painful..
Having it done doeasn't hurt because they knock you out. You'll have a week or two of lessening pain to deal with. Just remember to take your meds and follow the Dr's advice about cleaning the wounds. If you do that, you'll be fine. Good luck!
it hurts really bad and your going to be gumming
For me it was not that bad. Take pain medication as soon as you can and ice as much as possible (even the next day) to keep the swelling down to avoid the chipmunk look. I had all four of mine out too and it was not painful but definitely not pleasant. You will have what seem to be huge holes in your mouth for months--really. You will get used to it. The stiches should dissolve in about 2 weeks or so-don't try to pull them out. Also, recovery is really gross so be ready for lots of drool and blood.
Some tips for eating:
Straws are bad!!
Don't suck on anything
If you can, spit instead of swallow
Jello is good because you don't have to chew itGood luck--you will be fine!
I had all of mine out at the same time, they put me under anesthesia, so I had no pain. They gave me pain killers for after, you go home the same day, if you manage your pain well, you shouldn't have any. You can eat solid food about 4 days after your surgery. Because of the meds you should only feel groggy. If you follow the doctors instructions for icing your wounds you won't have very much swelling (I didn't have any). Be careful that you don't suck on anything like hard candy or beverages through a straw. I ate a lot of ice cream the first day or two, the cold helped. It is EXTREMELY important for you to follow your doctors instructions for post op. If you don't you could wind up with swelling, an infection, or a dry socket.
DO NOT GET ALL 4 TAKEN OUT AT THE SAME TIME. If they are bony impacted forget it. You can swell up and constrict your airway. I had my 2 lowers taken out and my face swelled up for a week. then they had to go in again to remove some remnants and my face swelled up again for a whole week.The worst experience in my life. My motorcycle accidents were a piece of cake compared to my wisdom teeth. Dear God I will make a bargain with you, I wish and hope and pray for another motorcycle accident if it means not having to remove my upper wisdom teeth.
I'm having all 4 of mine taken out too! This summer, i'm nervous, i've had surgery before, but not oral surgery, so im hoping it goes well. Good luck to you.

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